Simulated Maple Tree Indoor Ancient Chinese Red Maple Hotel Resitorendi Yekumhara Danho Seta Yakakura Yakashongedza Muti Wekugadzira.

Artificial maple muti. Saizi, ruvara, uye chimiro zvinogona kugadzirwa. Simulation yehuni yakasimba hunde kureba. Yakanyatsogadzirwa nemaoko, yakanaka, uye inoyevedza. Kushongedzwa kwehotera yekutandarira munzvimbo yevaraidzo.

Product Description

Decorative Artificial Tree

Zita rechigadzirwa: rakagadzirwa   maple {49090910} 190910} muti 2097}

Material of Artificial maple muti maple muti {5}4501:19 {4091:1} plastiki , machira, huni

Size details: size customized {1}674779 {177} 7} (fekitari yakananga kutengesa, saizi mataurirwo emaitiro anogona kuve customized   maererano nezvinodiwa nevatengi ).

Mutengo   we    Artificial {5454215}    Artificial {490910107} {591019ma7} 01} muti   :    1907 {1} 79 {1} 9} 3136558} tsanangudzo  , mufananidzo uri  chete  kungoreva chete, zvichienderana ne yekupedzisira kugadzira. Kuti uwane  iwo chaiwo mutengo, ndapota bvunza  zvatinotengesa.

Specialty   of artificial {58375061} 9 maple041079 {9} 063}   muti : Isingapindi mvura, Zvakatipoteredza, Durable, Evergreen, Nontoxic

Advantages of  artificial maple 15 4019 {4901} muti {4901} {4909}

1.Kusarudzwa kwakasimba kwehunde yemiti chaiyo uye kumonereka kwematavi, hunde yemiti ine upenyu uye inoshanduka yakabatana nemabhaudhi, yakanakira uye inoshanda.

2. Jira remhando yepamusoro Juan anosiya ane mashizha emumepu ekuenzanisa akakwirira, tsinga dzakajeka, magadzirirwo akapfava uye akapfava, uye mashizha madiki ane rudo uye ane mavara.

3.Zvakachengeteka zvinhu,eco-friendly.

4.Hapana chikonzero chekuchengetedza miti yakafananidzwa, hapana nguva yekuitarisira.

Decoration venues of artificial maple muti 4909101 hotera , uye zvivanze zvenharaunda

 Simulated Maple Tree Indoor Ancient Chinese Red Maple Hotel Restaurant Kumhara Stage Set Large Decorative Artificial Tree

 Simulated Maple Tree Indoor Ancient Chinese Red Maple Hotel Restaurant Kumhara Stage Set Large Decorative Artificial Tree

 Simulated Maple Tree Indoor Ancient Chinese Red Maple Hotel Restaurant Kumhara Stage Set Large Decorative Artificial Tree

 Simulated Maple Tree Indoor Ancient Chinese Red Maple Hotel Restaurant Kumhara Stage Set Large Decorative Artificial Tree

 Simulated Maple Tree Indoor Ancient Chinese Red Maple Hotel Restaurant Kumhara Stage Set Large Decorative Artificial Tree

ChiChinese Chekare Akatevedzera Red Maple

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